The Wastewater Certification Review
textbook is an excellent
guide for wastewater certification. Each year many students who study
from this book not only pass the state exam but also achieve top scores
in different levels and classifications. The book contains municipal,
industrial, laboratory, safety, and technical topics that are directly
related to the test. Included in the book are 700 multiple-choice questions
and answers. In addition to the previously mentioned topics,
we added the following topics to the Complete Edition:
wastewater mathematics, introduction to the national pretreatment program
and security topics related to protecting your community's assets.
$65 plus $10 S & H
Priority Mail
The Wastewater Treatment Operation textbook is a presentation
of the wastewater treatment operations. Included are
pictures and diagrams to describe systems and equipment
used in the biological and chemical treatment processes. Stay up-to-date
with advanced treatment topics such as: Membrane Technology
and wastewater treatment, Ultraviolet Disinfection and
Ozone Applications, Centrifuges and other solids dewatering
operations. Included is a special section of industrial wastestreams
treatment operations such as: Petroleum metals, fruit and vegetables,
dairy, meat packing, textile, and pulp and paper wastestreams.
$55 (Free Shipping-First Class Mail)
The Wastewater Laboratory Procedures textbook provides critical and important instructions and tips on how
to perform laboratory analysis on wastewater and develop a laboratory Quality Assurance Plan that will
generate sound scientific laboratory data. Topics include:
Quality control measures, equipment maintenance and calibration, grade A water, solutions and reagents,
sampling, preservation of samples and wastewater analysis procedures. In addition, the manual includes a large section
on Microscopic examination of activated sludge to acquaint operators, technicians and engineers with bright-field and
phase –contrast microscopic techniques used to evaluate operational and plant upset conditions. Laboratory exercises
include the use and care of the microscope, sampling techniques, and slide preparation. Included are laboratory exam and answers.
This book is an excellent study guide to prepare for laboratory certification exams.
$45 (Free Shipping-First Class Mail)
$140 plus $12 S & H
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Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana